Find out what the BowenBuzz is all about
My name is Chris Reed
and I have been a Bowen practitioner here in my home town of Geelong since 1999. Running a full time clinic and teaching keeps me very busy however I had the idea that maybe the Bowen Therapy world needed a dedicated podcast lets see…….
I currently am chair of committee which manages the training arm of Bowen Therapy in Australia known as Bowen Training Australia and have been president of the Bowen Association Australia for the past 14 years until just a few weeks ago. Recently we held an international conference in Cairns far north Queensland and I realised that there are some great people all over the world practicing Bowen Therapy and wouldn’t be great if I could talk to them and share those conversations with anyone who cared to listen, hence the BowenBuzz was born.
I also plan to talk to people who may be able to assist Bowen practitioners in their businesses so we can bring this amazing therapy to many more people.
I hope you enjoy the ride.